Leagues & Outings

Golf Leagues

Let Twin Oaks take your league play to another level with a different challenge every week on three 9-hole courses. A variety of holes accommodates men's, women's and couples leagues.

Twin Oaks has openings for leagues both in the mornings and evenings, weekdays or weekends. Please give us a call at 695-9746 and we'll help you set up a league.

League Free Agency

Are you an Individual or small group of players looking to join an existing league?

Create your League Free Agent Profile and our league secretaries will be intouch early spring.

Create Your League Free Agent Profile

Golf Outings

In addition to both outdoor and indoor facilities for your group outing, Twin Oaks offers flexibility and affordability whether you're trying to raise money for your favorite charity or putting together a good time with friends or co-workers. After golf, groups may bring in their own catering, cook their own on one of our professional grills, or let us set up the food for you. Twin Oaks also will arrange beverage carts or keg beer on the course while offering the flexibility and affordability to bring your own water and soft drinks. Give us a call at 695-9746 and we'll tailor an outing for your schedule and pocketbook.

How To Run a Successful Golf Outing

Click on tabs below for more info:

  • Select a Golf Course, Date and Time

The key to a good turnout is proper planning. Golf courses start booking outings a year in advance. Choose a location and time best suited for your needs. Decide on the format of the tournament because that will help your determine whether your event requires tee times or a shotgun start.

  • Select a Tournament Director

This person should be detail oriented and dedicated to your cause. The tournament director does not have to be the greatest golfer but has at least played in a few golf tournaments.

  • Choose a Cause

Why do you want to hold a golf tournament? The answer to this question will decide your theme of the tournament and who will participate in the event.

  • Select On-Course Contests and Events

Contests during your tournament will keep your golfers interested and looking forward to the next hole. Try to have at least one contest per nine holes and make certain to reward your winners with a prize. (Hole-In-One Contest, Closest To Pin, Longest Drive, Straightest Drive, etc.)

  • Determine Additional Activities

If you plan to include food and refreshment services, pre-tournament contests, auctions, raffles, guest speakers, etc. make sure to account for the space and supplies necessary.

  • Create a Budget

Determine your entry fee by what your target market can bear and plan your expenses around that. Make sure you budget for any surprise expenses.

  • Sign Up Volunteers

You will need at least 3-5 volunteers on site the day of the tournament and as many you can get to help with selling sponsorships.

  • Plan Publicity

The more exposure your tournament receives, the more participants and sponsors you will get. Besides the entry form, there are many other ways to publicize your tournament.

    • Radio and TV: Search for free opportunities to announce your tournament. Public service announcements, local talk shows, press conferences, and local calendars of events are all effective.
    • Newspapers: Local shoppers guide and other free publications are a good way to get the word out. Create a press release kit for your tournament to receive free advertisement. Placing an ad in the local paper can be very effective but very costly.
    • Signs and Banners: Place them in high traffic intersections and other areas.
    • Flyers and Posters: Post them at golf courses, offices, local stores, etc.
  • Sell Sponsorships:

Selling sponsorships is the way to acquire the commitment that leads to a successful tournament. Sponsorships should be developed between the tournament and local businesses. Design various levels of sponsorship. Each level should entail some form of tournament recognition and participation. Various levels may include:

    • Title Sponsor: company name would appear on all golf marketing materials, playing spots, tee sponsor signs, reception signs, etc..
    • Supporting Sponsors: receive hole sponsorship signs and playing spots.
    • Hole Sponsor: receive hole sponsorship sign and program listing.
    • Registration, Mulligans, Beverage Cart, Reception Sponsor: logo and/or message would be placed on signs at the respective locations.
    • Arrival Package Sponsor: logo and/or message would be placed on all tees, repair and golf balls.
  • Order Invitations

Make sure your invitation is appealing because this is your primary source in attracting participants. The invitation has to be laid out with as much detail as possible. These are the essential pieces of information needed:

    • Name of tournament and title sponsor
    • Date and time
    • Name, address and telephone number of the tournament director
    • Entry fee
    • Entry deadline
    • What is included in the entry (green fees, cart, dinner, arrival packages, etc.)
    • Prizes and contests
    • Name, address and telephone of participant
    • Name, address and telephone of others on team
    • Handicap
    • Foursome Preferences
    • Shirt size
  • Create list of Possible Participants

This list could range from employees and their family members to local businesses.

  • Finalize Food and Refreshment

Decide on the menu, beverages, entertainment, and decorations. Make sure the room you are using can accommodate your tournament size.

  • Order Arrival and Reception Packages

Arrival packages are given to each participant and should at least include balls, tee packs, towel and a hat. Reception packages should cover all on course contests and 1st through 3rd places. Order packages as soon as possible because logo and embroidery work takes a few weeks.

  • Start Advertising

Determine how many signs, banners, flyers, etc. you will need to advertise your tournament.

  • Distribute Invitations

Make sure you order some extra invitations for last minute requests and some to distribute to local business and friends.

  • Finalize All Tournament Activities

If you are planning for guest speakers or entertainment, make final confirmation. Purchase and gather all your raffle and auction items. Secure Hole In One, putting and other contests. Find sponsors for all your contests to increase profit. Order all your tee signs.

  • Confirm Tee Times

Contact the golf course to keep them up to date on your progress. Confirm tee times and other services they are providing.

  • Confirm Food and Refreshments

Once again, keep the staff updated with times, dates, and anticipated number of entries.

  • Prepare Printed Materials

Prepare on course contest prizes by deciding which holes to place them. Create day of program guide for participants and any other material needed to pass out on the day of the tournament.

  • Confirm Final Number and Pairings

Confirm with the golf course, food and refreshment people the final number of participants. Finalize pairings by their request and handicaps. Fax a copy of the pairings to the course.

  • Money and Change Box

Have a money and change box ready for your volunteers to sell raffles, mulligans, donations, etc.

  • Confirm Contests with Golf Course

Coordinate your contest requirements such as circles on the greens, lines in the fairways, etc. with golf course. Make sure they have appropriate measuring and recording devices for contests.

  • Put Up Hole In One and Sponsor Signs

Put each sign in full site on the entrance to each tee. Make sure the tee box is set up for the correct distance for the Hole In One prize.

  • Set Up Registration

Give yourself ample room to register numerous golfers at a time. Also use this time to start selling raffle tickets, mulligans, etc. and distributing arrival packages.

  • Display Prizes

Show all tournament, raffle and auction prizes.

  • Set Up Scoreboard

Make sure to locate the scoreboard where there is room to gather.

  • Instruct Photographer

Lead him/her to the location of the photos. It’s also a good idea to give the photographer a list of golfers.

  • Place Contest Markers on Holes

Don’t forget to put the measuring and recording devices out before the first group gets to a contest hole.

  • Give Last Minute Instruction to Golfers

Inform all golfers the local and tournament rules and wish them good luck.

  • Post Scores

Total all scores and have someone double check for accuracy.

  • Enjoy the Food and Entertainment

Make sure that all the guests are enjoying themselves and that there is ample food and beverages.

  • Awards Ceremony

Announce the winners in reverse order. Bring them up to receive their awards and take a picture of them. Announce and present a gift to all your sponsors.

  • Clean Up Site

Make certain to clean up after your food service and pick up the signs on the course.

  • Write Thank You Notes

All sponsors and volunteers must receive a personal thank you.

  • Evaluate the Tournament

Take some brief notes evaluating the tournament to better prepare for and improve next years event.

Call Us


Twin Oaks Golf Club
6710 W. Freeland Rd.
Freeland, MI 48623

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